id m theft able
Sand Down Your Pelvis

1. v ide touch ess?
2. split angels (in tow (no tow (i don't know)))
3. ovum crude (lasers out)
4. making love without a pelvis
5. a to zinc

Recorded mostly in 2003 (with a coupla 2004 overdubs, as I recall) in Portland and Windham, Maine, (USA). Adam S plays a little saw on "Split Angels...", Janane T taunts, and Ms. Shopping Cart lists on "Ovum Crude" all other keyboards, records, tapes, knitting needles, toys, harmonicas, autoharp, power surges, et c. by id m theft able

Originally released on Mangdisc (#28) as a CDr in early 2004, each with its own collage on the cover..........